CCHS: One of only 19 schools in Virginia to receive the award in 2024
For its exceptional record of leadership, service, and civic activities that improve the school and community, the Culpeper County High School (CCHS) Student Council has been awarded a 2024 Achievement Award by the Virginia Student Councils Association (VSCA).
"VSCA is proud to honor these student councils for implementing a strong, well-rounded student council program at the local level," said Lyn Fiscus, director of the Virginia Student Councils Association. "Student council leaders are making a difference in schools across the Commonwealth with their leadership. We applaud their efforts and challenge them to continue engaging the students at their schools in leadership, spirit, civic, and service projects."
To meet the requirements for the VSCA Achievement Award, a student council must submit documentation of completing a variety of activities throughout the calendar year, including a required project and eight additional projects from a list of 20 options for a high school award. Options include such things as organizing a community service project, participating in the orientation of new students, holding an assembly, conducting regular meetings, conducting a fundraiser, organizing a food drive, conducting a voter registration drive, and participating in VSCA state and regional activities. The projects must be assembled in a portfolio and reviewed by the school principal to be considered for an award. All member schools that complete the criteria for this award receive it.
In addition to the VSCA Achievement Award, CCHS Sophomore Jason Arias Bernal was selected as the student representative for VSCA Region IV. This selection is a great honor for Arias Bernal, and also makes CCHS the host of the regional VSCA conference in the Fall.
CCPS Principal Danny Soderholm is proud of the SCA and their accomplishments. “This is a fantastic achievement for our school, SCA student leaders, and our SCA sponsor, Mrs. Hyde," he said. "These Blue Devils have been working hard since last summer to plan meaningful spirit activities, service projects, orientations, dances, and so much more. Each time they have planned something, they have put in the work to make it happen and the commitment to participate in it. This award recognizes the growth and leadership we see each day as they make our school Better Every Day!”
The Virginia Student Councils Association is a leadership learning organization for student leaders from private and public schools throughout the Commonwealth and is sponsored by the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals. VSCA aims to foster student leadership in a democratic environment and to assist all student councils in becoming more effective organizations within their school, community, state, and nation.
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